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Class Descriptions

Vin Yin

Discover balance within movement and stillness. This class begins with a warming vinyasa flow to awaken prana (life force energy) to flow within the body. Followed by Yin Yoga, this sequence incorporates the principles of Chinese medicine. These restorative, floor-based poses are held longer to encourage meditation and breath awareness.  Each class will look and feel a little different as the teacher will intuitively offer additional modalities such as meridian work, self-reiki techniques, breathwork and teachings on mudras, self-care and healing.  


Rest and restore in this class dedicated to ease and coziness.  Think hibernation yoga!  With the use of props, the instructor will offer poses meant to calm the nervous system, slow the mind and soften the heart.  You will be supported on bolsters, covered with blankets and offered healing modalities such as sound therapy, oils, tinctures, reiki and relaxation assists and the list goes on.  Unwind, rest and reset.

All-Levels Flow

In this vinyasa inspired class, fluid movement and connection to breath allows for energy regulation.  Aligning to our whole selves requires awareness of body, mind, heart and soul.  In an Align class your instructor will guide you through a series of movements and poses (asanas) matching one breath per movement.  Reiki energy will be infused into this practice to align your chakra system.  Relaxation assists will drop you into a deeper state of rest at the end of each class.  


In a Yin Yoga class, props are used to assist in deep stretching.  Working through muscle and fascia (connective tissue), this practice brings awareness to pushing past the discomfort to evolve into our higher levels of understanding and acceptance of self.  Instructors will offer demonstrations and hands-on assistance.  Energy work, use of crystals, oils or tinctures may be used to support this evolution.

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